The best evidence from:
comparing the animated trajectories of “Flight 175”
The ‘shock-&-awe’ visuals of “FLIGHT 175 striking WTC2” were obviously a crucial part of the 9/11 hoax. As shown in September Clues, there are many ways to demonstrate that those visuals cannot represent reality - one of them being the absurdly conflcting trajectories of “FLIGHT 175”. We can only guess whether these blunders occured due to flawed 3D imaging softwares - or the ineptness of their programmers and animation artists - or both. A case of whistleblowing? I doubt it.
But let us take another good look at these “FLIGHT 175” trajectories, just to make sure that this part of the wider September Clues research isn’t some sort of visual/optical illusion. For this, we will of course examine THE ACTUAL 9/11 imagery - and NOT some computer models /vector graphics attempting to re-simulate the simulation!.. rolleyes
So please note: this study is only - and specifically - about the “FLIGHT 175” TRAJECTORIES.
The “International Shot” (as I called it in SC) as aired LIVE on ABC is, undoubtedly, the ‘visual imprint’ that most people around the world would have of “FLIGHT 175”. (Just a 2-second clip - so not of much interest for our trajectory study.)
Now, the only other LIVE shot showing the exact moment of impact was, of course, the infamous “NOSE-OUT” shot. Of course, that FOX clip doesn’t show much of a trajectory either - since when rewinding the tape to 6 seconds before impact - there’s just no plane to be seen at all !..
On LIVE 9/11 TV, the first time we see a “plane”, is 16 seconds before the strike: the CBS “Divebomber” :
At left: the LIVE NBC shot_________________At right: the NBC evening news shot
Expounded at 12:48 in the September Clues documentary
The TV networks also aired (later in the day) this other trajectory (below left) which shows “FLIGHT 175” actually making a final ascent. Of course, at NO POINT in time do we see, in the “Divebomber shot”, the plane making a final ascent!:
Expounded at 1.04:44 in the September Clues documentary
"FINAL ASCENT shot " - as aired on the BBC:
Can anyone seriously argue/sustain that what we see here (an ascending path) is due to ‘deceptive perspectives’ ?
Now, in this alleged “amateur video” credited to one Luis Alonso, “FLIGHT 175” also seems to make a final ascent. However, just how this final ascent is depicted appears to be a physically/aerodinamically impossible feat. I trust every honest airline pilot and aeronautical expert will agree with this claim. By all means, if you find fault with this analysis, please let me know :
LUIS ALONSO SHOT - full sequence (last 8 seconds before impact)
(Note: none of the three above gif loops are at original speed and are only meant to illustrate the LUIS ALONSO trajectories)
So again, did “FLIGHT 175” make a final ascent? Well, no - not according to that perfectly level approach purportedly filmed (according to the FBI) by some arabic jihadist from under the Brooklyn bridge (the so-called “AL-QAEDA shot”)…
the “AL-QAEDA shot” versus the “Divebomber” shot
So, was “FLIGHT 175’s” trajectory ascending/ descending /or perfectly level in its last seconds of flight ? What’s it gonna be ? Is all of this, as naysayers say, “only a matter of perspectives - and just a series of optical illusions?” Can anyone really seriously claim that all the above trajectories are perfectly consistent with each other - thus credibly depicting the very same event as if captured by real cameras in the real world? You decide.