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This file is either in the Public Domain, or uses the Unlicense in jurisdictions that don’t recognize the Public Domain. Any changes or additions to the original URL’s are noted by my initials below. - rg)
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 8 July 1947 — 1st Lt. Walter Haut states in an allegedly signed affidavit he was stationed at Roswell Army Air Field as the Public Information Officer and received a call from Col. William Blanchard who said he possessed “flying saucer” debris. The material was from “outer space” and recovered from a crash northwest of Roswell, NM.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 8 July 1947 — Another affidavit from Arthur R. McQuiddy, the editor of the Roswell Morning Dispatch, claims Lt. Walter Haut delivered a press release to McQuiddy declaring the recovery of a “flying saucer.” McQuiddy claims Roswell Army Air Field next calls him and asks him to change the story to a “weather balloon” instead of a flying saucer.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 8 July 1947 — Col. Thomas J. DuBose states in a signed affidavit he was stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field and received a phone call from Gen. Clements McMullen of Strategic Air Command informing him of an object recovered outside Roswell, NM.
DuBose states he requested Roswell Army Air Field to send the material to Fort Worth Army Air Field, which was eventually sent to Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field. DuBose states photographs of a weather balloon given to the press were a “cover story” to divert attention away from the origin of the flying saucer material.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 8 July 1947 — A signed affidavit from 1st Lt. Robert Shirkey also claims the flight of “crashed flying saucer” debris occurred between Roswell and Fort Worth. He also claims another flight operated by Oliver W. Henderson (see 9 July 1991 entry) flew directly to Wright Field.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 19 August 1947 — USAF Lt. Col. George Garrett tells FBI SAC S.W. Reynolds that he suspects the Navy or Army is testing new technology and some of it is responsible for the flying saucers and other UAP seen.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 19 August 1947 — Gen. Stephen Chamberlin and the War Department, however, claim to have no knowledge of USG or USG contractor programs responsible for the UAP.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 19 September 1947 — A disputed memo from DCI Roscoe Hillenkoetter discusses the need for a clear directive from the President and coordinated scientific examination of “objects” related to the flying saucer problem. The title of the memo is “Military Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Committee,” or MAJIC.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 23 September 1947 — USAF Lt. Gen. Nathan F. Twining writes that flying discs are “real and not visionary or fictitious.” Twining suggests UAP could be a black budget USG project or from Soviet/Bloc. Twining’s letter to AAF Commanding Gen. George Schulgen states no physical UAP evidence from “crash recovered exhibits” had been found to date.
Note: Twining’s letter also led to the creation of Project Sign, whose sighting reports were required to be sent to the Army and Navy Research and Development Board, the USAF Scientific Advisory Group, the Atomic Energy Commission, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Project Rand, and the Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft Project at Oak Ridge.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 24 September 1947 — DCI Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter allegedly writes a letter to Air Materiel Command designating T-2 and the Air Intelligence branch of the Navy Bureau of Aeronautics as “national assets.” Hillenkoetter states he does not plan to duplicate this within the CIA.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - October 1947 — Pilot Selman E. Graves states he witnessed the recovery of a crashed craft and two humanoid “bodies” in Paradise Valley, AZ. Graves states the federal government sponsored a state government project that relocated a nearby road and bulldozed the land to cover up the crash site.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - October 1947 — An “unknown missile” allegedly crashes this month in Mexico near Guadeloupe. The State Department is said to begin negotiations with the Mexican government to obtain the crashed object.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 16 December 1947 — Army Lt. Col. Harry H. Pretty writes to the Dep. Dir. of Intelligence (Deputy G-2, U.S. Army) in Berlin that Nazi aircraft designers Reimar Horten and Walter Horten were located in Gottingen, Germany, and although they were responsible for the Horten Ho 299 flying wing design, an investigation determined no flying saucer design “ever existed nor was projected by any of the German air research institutions.”
Note: This finding was never delivered to Congress in an open forum in the decades that followed despite it likely being relevant to Congressional inquiries into the origin of UAP after World War II.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1948 — An anonymous retired Col. states a UAP crash occurred this year near Laredo, TX. he states when he arrived it was under a canopy and witnesses were sworn to secrecy.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 31 January 1948 — The Research and Development Board, a key recipient of UAP data at the time (see 23 September 1947) attempts to debunk flying saucers as a “mirage” the result of “mass self-hypnosis.” The RDB statement circulates in newspapers.
Note: The RDB was chaired at the time by Vannevar Bush, who was the former Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, which later became NASA). Bush was mentioned in a Canadian Department of Transport document that stated a USG source told Canadian embassy staff the following: flying saucers exist, the matter is the “most highly classified subject in the USG rating higher even than the H-bomb,” their modus operandi is unknown but a small group is studying them “headed by Doctor Vannevar Bush.” It is reasonable to deduce this group was the RDB or an ad hoc group with some RDB personnel using the RDB as a cover.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1948 — President Harry S. Truman asks his USAF aide, Col. Robert B. Landry, to give him quarterly updates on UAP research but to do so verbally. No records are kept.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1948 — A source “VA” speaks of a UAP crash at White Sands Proving Ground this year where he was cleared to see a Top Secret message of a saucer shaped craft with one portal window blown out that caused suffocation of five occupants. The bodies had turned blue and were 4 feet tall with oversized human heads. Private property was allegedly purchased to facilitate transport of the craft covertly to the base.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1949 — Scientist Albert Collins claims he worked on electromagnetic propulsion at Cal-Berkeley and analyzed samples that were taken away by the Army. The metal was thin, light and could not be dented or cut; it could fold and return to shape.
Collins claims in 1949, Rand Corporation and the CIA solicited assistance on sample analysis from a Vatican representative; he claims he saw project names Archangel, Blue Book, Black Book, White Book and Yellow Book, adding that he heard LANL was analyzing green fireballs (this last claim has been confirmed as Project Twinkle).
He claims he heard rumors of autopsies of “midget people” at Los Alamos, experiments at Holloman AFB and Kirtland AFB, metal-like wood tested in Berkley he was not involved with, and flying disc landings on military bases in California and New Mexico. Collins also states a friend told him Archangel determined UAP occupants were extraterrestrial, biological, gas-breathing intelligent animals with larger craniums than humans. He claims this friend told him the occupants had cells similar to plants that were responsive to sunlight and were able to make right or wrong judgements like humans.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 17 August 1949 — An alleged CIA OSI information report on the analysis of UAP states a special studies project within the DOD known as Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology Transfer (ULATT) Exploitation Program houses six undisclosed projects. It states a power plant was recovered from a crashed UAP in New Mexico and a meeting was held on 14 July 1949 at Blair House where President Harry S. Truman proposed that the “know how” of ULATT be shared with Canada and the UK. The document also alleges that Hannes Alfven, who would win the Nobel Prize in 1970 for his work on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD), was consulted during his early MHD work because it was suggested the ULATT technology used magnetic field lines for travel.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 17 August 1949 — Great Falls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB writes on 17 August 1949 that an informant, prone to exaggeration but trustworthy, sees 7 flying discs and two crashed discs. AFB agents dragged the lake and didn’t find anything.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1950 — Source “LH” at Bell Laboratories states a source of his, a former NASA employee, had access to information regarding a crash retrieval in 1950. He claims the employee had access to technical material about a head-band transceiver worn by some UAP occupants; LH states the source believes he has been under surveillance and one of his colleagues at NASA involved in security risk related to UAP “disappeared.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 27 March 1950 — Radio broadcaster Henry J. Taylor announces flying saucers are USAF/Navy secret weapons. It is later claimed the entire story was disinformation planted by the CIA Office of Policy Coordination Political and Psychological Warfare Staff headed by Joseph Bryan III to confuse the American public. Taylor later admitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he didn’t know the origin of UAP.
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Note: CIA psychological warfare head Joseph Bryan III later became President and Board
Chairman of NICAP, a nonprofit supported by payments from U.S. citizens to study UAP. Former DCI VADM Roscoe Hillenkoetter was also a Board member. Bryan III’s background in psyops was not known at the time publicly when he was involved with NICAP.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 14 April 1950 — USAF Project Rand contracts a white paper on the “Exploitation of Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare.” The paper writes that convincing a population to believe in paranormal and fringe phenomena, or prophesies concerning future events, could cause them to be non-rational. At scale, this would negatively affect a society. UFOs and UAP are not mentioned. Project Rand was a regular recipient of UAP reports from USAF (see 23 September 1947).
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - July 1950 — Cliff Booth, a Holloman AFB contractor, investigates reports of a range station sighting a UAP. Booth and a camera operator film a cigar shaped metallic object. The men turn the film over to the Data Reduction Division at Holloman AFB, and an analyst at Land-Air Inc. states the object was oscillating preventing a stable image. They are told by their superiors at Holloman to forget the incident.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 6 July 1950 — USAF Lt. Col. F. D. McGarrachy states he wants to collect UAP motion pictures taken by U.S. citizens with cooperation from the FBI. He does not want the American population to know of USAF interest in the subject.
Note: This is at a time when USAF public messaging is debunking UAP cases.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1951 — USAF Maj. Dewey Fournet, while serving on Project Blue Book, conducted his own FOIA-exempt extragovernment investigation of undersea and aerial UAP with assistance from the Navy dubbed Operation Interloper. Fournet used his access and USG resources and all but three case files (up to 28) remain lost because they were held in personal archives. Interloper briefed the CIA in 1953 but its findings never reached Congress or the public.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 27 February 1951 — Office of Naval Research physicist Urner Liddel states in a public magazine article that all UAP reports are mirages or balloons. He says trained observers are being fooled.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 27 February 1951 — AEC Project Twinkle head Anthony O. Mirarchi tells the Associated Press that Urner Liddel and ONR are purposefully misleading people and true UAP are not balloons and not natural phenomena. Mirarchi states UAP show “maneuvered motion” and says
ignorance of them could lead to a “worse Pearl Harbor than we have ever experienced.” The FBI and USAF consider prosecuting Mirarchi for violating AFR 205-1.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1952 — Former Naval officer and consultant to Lockheed-Vega and Glenn L. Martin Co. Thomas Townsend Brown proposes Project Winterhaven to the US military.
Brown proposes using Stanford Research Institute (SRI), University of Chicago, The Franklin Institute, the Glenn L. Martin Co’s Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS), Lear Inc., Jansky & Bailey, Brush Development Co., and Hancock Manufacturing Co. to create flying disc craft for the US military that can travel in excess of 1,800 mph in all levels of atmosphere. This is a peculiar hypothetical framework as it didn’t involve several major aerospace contractors and instead chose to subcontract to several entities outside of US aerospace. It is allegedly rejected.
Note: According to author Nick Cook, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) and Office of Naval Research (ONR) documents show an interest of USAF Maj. Gen. Victor E. Bertrandias’s visit to the Townsend Brown Foundation when it was proposing Project Winterhaven. ONR’s Willoughby M. Cady writes that Townsend Brown’s claims of gravitational anomalies are not well documented, and suggested the Navy and Air Force not pursue the disc designs.
Note: In 1955, Brown worked for French aerospace company SNCASO and ran his flying disc designs in a vacuum, where they performed even better than in atmosphere. SNCASO merged with Sud-Est a year later and canceled Brown’s contract.
In 1956, Brown helped found the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) with former DCI VADM Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, Gen. Albert Coady Wedemeyer, USMC Maj. Donald Keyhoe and chief of the Navy’s guided missile program RADM Delmer S. Fahrney. Brown stepped down in 1957 and gave a press conference stating UAP were neither American nor Soviet and under “intelligent control.”
In 1957, Brown was hired as a consultant for the Bahnson Company of North Carolina and in 1959 he consulted on aerospace propulsion for General Electric, before retirement in 1960.
Note: It is worth highlighting that a secret memo dated 23 September 1947 from head of Air Materiel Command Lt. Gen. Nathan Twining to USAAF Brig. Gen. George Schulgen states: “It is possible within the present U.S. knowledge—provided extensive detailed development is undertaken—to construct a piloted aircraft which has the general description of the object above
which would be capable of an approximate range of 7,000 miles at subsonic speeds.”
Twining is specifically talking about the “flying disc” phenomena seen by civilians and military personnel that year.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1952 — CIA Project Moonstruck allegedly studies long range use of frequencies for the purpose of stimulation of the brains of
targets. It is claimed these implants were placed in subjects during abductions; unknown if related to UAP phenomenon.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1952 — A disputed, possibly hoaxed report for disinformation purposes, detail an annual report for MAJIC EYES ONLY ACTIVITIES that mention the recovery of the ejection craft in 1947 with five bodies, and the ejection craft were cylinders that ejected from the collision of larger UAP discs and possibly an experimental US craft; it states the occupants are “human or human like” and share the same biological needs.
The term ULATT EXPLOITATION is used; the application of R&D at AEC facilities is mentioned; efforts to duplicate a “water drive and plastic core elements” found in an UAP engine are being conducted at Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Langley, with the engine kept at Holloman are also mentioned, as are autopsies of recovered occupants that fall in a Project Grey Suit within Projects 612 and 621.
Tissue samples of technicians in contact with occupants suggest the transfer of a highly contagious disease, their samples were kept at Fort Detrick, MD; and a crash recovery team from Project Moon Dust and Project Stork were sent to a crash site near the Texas-Mexico border at El Indio-Guerrero in December 1950 to respond to a crash with debris taken to AEC at Sandia.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1952 — A family friend of McDonnell Douglas engineer John Schuessler states he was a guard at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1952 and saw a craft covered by a tarp taken into a tight security area at the base. He also stated he saw bodies recovered from a “UFO” told to him they were from the Southwest; the bodies were “little people.” He stated “everything delivered had to pass by me.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1952 — A source “ZO” states a colleague of his at Rocketdyne told him he attended a meeting on celestial navigation at another aircraft company in 1952, where one USAF officer told them he was at the scene of one crash retrieval where a piece of metal was broken from the ship and later studied. He said the piece was impervious to diamond saws and torches, and a small body, badly burned, was recovered.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 19 February 1952 — The USAF Scientific Advisory Board Secretariat suggests Project Twinkle, which analyzed UAP at the AEC’s Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia Base, White Sands Proving Ground and Holloman AFB, not be declassified because the phenomena could not be debunked by natural explanations.
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Note: A 25 May 1950 summary shows UAP were seen near Los Alamos repeatedly by scientists, AFOSI personnel, airline and military pilots, security inspectors and “many other persons of various occupations whose reliability is not questioned.” The document from USAF Lt. Col. Doyle Rees states Land-Air Inc. was contracted by Air Materiel Command to study green fireball and disc phenomena near the facility.
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Note: On 20 December 1948, Project Twinkle astronomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green fireball he saw was no meteor, and turned its light on and off. LaPaz and Lt. Col. Rees started the informal Los Alamos Astrophysical Association to study green fireballs which eventually became Twinkle. All members were scientists and engineers with AEC/USAF security clearances.
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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 24 April 1952 — A special study group within Air Force Intelligence assesses nine undersea UAP with the Office of Naval Intelligence. ONI received the reports from U.S. Navy submarines that encountered the undersea UAPs over an undisclosed timeframe prior to the report. The incidents have never been released by ONI, and FOIA requests into the USAF special study group, AFOIN-X(SG), have been denied.
The group is rumored to have included a Col. Kieling, USAF civil service intelligence specialist Dr. Stefan T. Possony as acting chief, and Lt. Col. F. Sterling as military chief and likely operated outside of Project Blue Book as a flexible study group to take on special ad hoc tasks. AFOIN-X(SG) findings were therefore not shared in open Congressional hearings or with the public.
Note: USAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt stated AFOIN was conducting a more complete investigation of UAP in the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offices doing UAP work included the Technical Capabilities Branch of the Evaluation Division (AFOIV-TC) and the Collection Control Branch of the Collection Division (AFOIC-CC).
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 20 May 1953 — An anonymous Air Force official claims a UAP crash occurred near Garrison, UT on the Desert Research Experimental Station (DRES). The source claims the craft was buried.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - October 1952 — Author Whitley Streiber states he lived in San Antonio, TX at this time and remembers being tested while he was having “encounters” as a child. Streiber suggests he may have been tested at Randolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He states he remembers being “trapped in a box” called a Skinner box and given a “forced learning experience” that led him to be put into Brooke General Hospital for six weeks.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 2 December 1952 — CIA OSI Chief Philip Grandin Strong meets with MIT Provost Julius A. Stratton and professor Max Millikan to discuss UAP sightings and a means of studying them through Project Lincoln. Lincoln was an already established air defense project at MIT for the USAF, specifically analyzing photographic reconnaissance and surveillance.
The December 1952 memo suggests Lincoln had an interest in flying saucer cases beginning in mid-1952, and CIA OSI sought “full backing” of the DCI for MIT to formally study UAP. Unfortunately, no further Lincoln UAP documentation exists, and Lincoln summary reports do not mention UAP despite Stratton’s interest. USAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt later writes that Project Lincoln’s Beacon Hill Group recommended he set up “sound detection apparatus” in areas of UAP activity, suggesting the MIT scientists were doing actual UAP work under contract.
Note: Project Lincoln may just be one example how the CIA/USAF/AEC “exported” UAP study to universities and private nonprofits (like Battelle, mentioned in the 9 January 1953 entry). Such analysis that may have been done at MIT is not mentioned in any updates to Congress or the American people, and Stratton’s interest contradicts the findings of the Robertson Panel, Blue Book, and Condon Committee that UAPs do not warrant further study.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 9 December 1952 — USAF Col. Donald L. Bower forbids Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt from visiting CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence to share information on compelling UAP data. CIA held the “Robertson Panel” the next month without these key cases.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1953 — RAF Communications Instructor Fred Threlfall claims a “dematerialization” experiment was successful with an “ashtray.” Threlfall claims he saw the experiment at an airstation in Toronto, Canada.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1953 — An anonymous former Warrant Officer in the Army claims he saw crates at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1953 with recovered bodies of small humanoids, recovered from Arizona in the desert, and states he happened to be at the “right place at the right time when the crates arrived at night by DC-7.”
He states he saw the humanoids lying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn from dry ice underneath, with heads disproportionately larger than their bodies, with brown skin, no hair, and wearing tight fitting dark suits; one humanoid appeared to be female. He states he heard that the UAP was picked up by special tracking equipment on Mt. Palomar, CA before the crash.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1953 — An anonymous radar technician at Fort Monmouth, NJ in 1953, “Mr. T,” states he was summoned to see a special film at the base theater; with no briefing, he was shown a film of a desert scene with a silver disc object embedded in the sand with a dome at the top, and the bottom was a hatch or a door; in the next scene the source claims he saw 10-15 military personnel in fatigues with no ID patches standing around the craft.
The next scene showed the interior of the craft, a panel with levers all colored in muted pastel and white; the next scene showed two dead bodies on tables inside a tent, small with large heads that looked “mongoloid” with small noses, mouths and shut eyes, each wore a tight suit pastel in color; when the film ended there was no credit and the officer in charge instructed the viewers to “think about the movie” and “don’t relate its contents to anyone.”
Two weeks later Mr. T was approached by an intelligence officer on the base and told to “forget the movie you saw, it was a hoax.” Mr. T states the film was shot by an inexperienced camera man with poor coloring and texture. A friend of the man who was also a radar specialist told him years later that he too saw the same film under similar conditions.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1953 — A source “H.J.” says he was in the Army at Fort Polk, LA in 1953 when they saw an egg shaped UAP crash land into soft sandy soil. A special detachment and ambulance were detached.
The object had no windows or lights and had a fin at its equator that was rotating, medics carried a body away that was making strange noises; the occupants walked as if they had no knees and were 3 1/2-4 feet tall, large heads covered by a helmet and a metallic green uniform. He heard the survivors were sent to a hospital and all died, and he heard their cadavers were sent to a medical center near Washington, DC. H.J. says he was told not to discuss the incident and after he talked to Leonard Stringfield, his phone was disconnected.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 9 January 1953 — A contractor to the USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center, Battelle Memorial Institute’s Dr. Howard C. Cross proposes that the ongoing Project Stork assist the Air Force to reassure the public that “everything is well under control” with respect to the UFO “problem.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 18 January 1953 — The CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence convenes a series of meetings on UAP, known as the “Robertson Panel.” The CIA concludes that all national security agencies should strip UAP of “special status” in reporting channels and suggest the public is told there is no legitimate evidence of their existence.
A signatory of the report, Thornton L. Page admitted on 3 October 1992 that the Chairman told members ahead of the meetings to debunk all reports presented to them and “reduce” public concern.
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(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 9 February 1953 — USAF Public Information Officer Albert M. Chop claims the CIA “killed” a press release written up on a UAP filmed on Utah.
“We’ve been ordered [by the CIA] to work up a national debunking campaign, planting articles in magazines and arranging broadcasts to make UFO reports seem like poppycock,” Chop added. Capt.
Edward J. Ruppelt allegedly said “it’s a raw deal, but we can’t buck the CIA.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 9 February 1953 — CIA agent Hayden Channing admits to monitoring a public meeting of U.S. civilians discussing UAP in Los Angeles, CA.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 19 February 1953 — Marine 1st Lt. Edward Balocco is scrambled in an F9F Panther from Naval Auxiliary Air Station Edenton, NC to intercept an unknown target. A disc with blinking red lights approaches him and gets within 350 feet, bathing his cockpit in blue-white light. He can see the bones in his hand like an X-ray where he experiences no sound, and in a flash, the disc leaves the area. Balocco and Capt. Thomas Riggs are debriefed and told not to mention the incident to anyone.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 21 May 1953 — USAF project engineer on contract with the AEC for Operation Upshot-Knothole “Fritz Werner” (pseudonym) states he was placed on special assignment to investigate a crashed UAP near Kingman, AZ on 21 May 1953, in a signed affidavit. Werner states the object was constructed of an unfamiliar metal similar to aluminum, was oval, and had an entrance; inside, he was told there were swivel steps, a cabin, instruments and displays. Werner states it had one occupant, now dead, dark brown complexion, 4 feet tall, wearing a silvery metallic suit and a skull cap with no face covering or helmet.
Werner states his job was to determine from the angle of the impact how fast the vehicle was going at the time of impact; he states the vehicle had no landing gear but also had no dents or even scratches; afterwards he was told by a USAF Col. To write his report in longhand, not to type or reproduce it, and not to reveal what he saw; Werner states he was given a telephone number to call when the report was complete and it was handed off to an airman. Werner’s diary reviewed by Ray Fowler corroborated this showing he wrote he went on “special assignment” that day and “got picked up at Indian Springs AFB…for a job I can’t write or talk about.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 26 August 1953 — USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which restricts UAP reporting procedures and supersedes AFL 200-5. All confirmed UAP reports must now be sent to Air Force Intelligence, and reports by USAF personnel do not go to Project Blue Book. Fewer credible unidentifieds are sent to Blue Book and are therefore kept out of future updates to Congress and the American people.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 18 December 1953 — Lockheed Martin test pilots Roy Wimmer, Charlie Grugan and flight engineers R. L. Thoren and Joe Ware, see a flying saucer over the Pacific Ocean while flying a Navy Super Constellation WV-2. The crew follows the object for five minutes and noticed it exhibited anomalous acceleration characteristics. After landing, the sighting was corroborated by another Lockheed Martin employee on the ground. Despite the USG contractor sending the case file to USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson AFB, it was never included in any declassified Project Blue Book documentation and is not listed as an Unidentified ever analyzed by ATIC.
Note: Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek said often the Project had poor organization. It is unknown if this case was lost, purposefully ignored or forwarded to a higher-level investigation like AFOIN-X(SG), but is a relevant example of obfuscation because a UAP was observed by 5 trained USG contractor personnel and omitted from updates to Congress and the American public.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1954 — Army Col. John Alexander states former Douglas engineer Bob Wood tells him he believed the SOM1-01 manual was created in 1954 with the intention it be leaked to Soviet spies as part of a disinformation campaign. The intent would be to get the Soviets to commit resources to UAP crash recoveries.
Alexander states Hal Puthoff told him the real MJ-12 group was involved in Continuity of Government in the 1950s, a plan that hardened secret underground bases and constructed some such as Mount Weather and Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV.
- UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities, Alexander, p198
Note: The SOM1-01 manual states it was allegedly taken from Kirtland AFB Building 21 Unit KB-88; it describes a recovery and disposal effort of extraterrestrial entities and technology; it claims an Operation Majestic-12 was established by special classified presidential order on 24 September 1947 and is a Top Secret Research and Development - Intelligence Group; goals of MJ12 are the recovery of materials/devices of extraterrestrial manufacture, recovery of entities and remains of entities, establishment of Special Teams to accomplish this, establishment of special secure facilities to receive, process, analyze and study these materials, and the establishment of covert operation with CIA to recover craft/entities that are inside foreign territory.
The manual also states UAP technology surpasses modern science but is benign and UAP occupants are avoiding direct contact with humans; craft shape are discs, cigar, cone and triangle; UAP occupant types are short humanoid “Asians” with pale skin and wider eyes, and even shorter humanoids with large heads, large eyes that wrap around the side of the skull with no whites, two slits for a nose and a slit for a mouth, with three fingers and a thumb. The manual claims metallurgical analysis shows debris is not from Earth; materials are stronger than current metals; solid structures have similarity to dense grain free wood and very light; some samples are engraved and not decipherable.
It states craft, devices, damaged devices, power plants, fragments are to be taken to Area 51 S-4; supplies of the entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; Living entities taken to OPNAC BBS-01;
non-living entities taken to Blue Lab WP-61; media, recordings, maps, charts, photographs and film taken to Building 21 KB-88; and weapons taken to Area 51 S-4; civilian witnesses to CR and entities will be detained and debriefed by MJ-12.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 10 March 1954 — Directive JANAP 146(C) now covers airborne and waterborne CIRVIS and MERINT reports to be used for UAP sightings. Civilian pilots are now prohibited from talking about UAP sightings they report through these channels.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 12 April 1954 — “KA” states he served in the USAF in 1954-55 at Roswell Air Force Base where he began helicopter training. On the evening of 12 April 1954, KA states he was ordered to report to the flight line as there was a crash in the desert; his crew was “Rescue 4.” The crash retrieval was 25-30 miles northwest over a lake where they saw a metallic saucer crashed edgewise into the sand with a dome in the center, and the outer rim was still spinning and the outer edge lights were still rotating in that direction. Several small bodies were scattered outside the craft, motionless and appeared dead; 4-4.5 feet tall with large heads, in tight fitting dark blue uniforms, no helmets.
KA states a ground crew in fatigues was already there and prevented them from getting closer, and began tagging the objects and the bodies. More dead bodies were inside a small hatchway in the crashed disc. The UAP occupants had tried to crawl out on their hands and knees. After KA returned to Roswell he was debriefed for three days in “living hell” in Building No. 5, and told by men dressed in civilian clothes wearing black ties identifying as “intelligence officers” not to speak about the incident, and reading KA a law that referred to fine, imprisonment with hard labor and general discharge if he told anyone about the incident.
KA states he heard the saucer was taken on base and put in Hangar 18, which was expanded over the next two weeks with refrigeration equipment and sophisticated computers. KA heard a rumor at that time another UAP crashed near Bandelier, NM on 24 April 1954. KA states he was sent back to Sampson AFB where his superior accused him of going AWOL and punished him, to which KA told his superior about the UAP crash and his superior did not believe him. KA had a nervous breakdown and was placed in hospital for three months. During the stay, he was injected with a needle where he felt drunk and taken to a room with 4-5 people where he was asked questions about the crash recovery in New Mexico.
On the day he was released from hospital, KA states he was taken to the base commander’s office and met a Col., who discharged him on 7 March 1955 because he told the Sgt. (superior) about the CR in the desert. KA states that in the years after he was discharged he began having nightmares and needed to talk about the experience, to which Leonard Stringfield listened and believed him.
KA tells Stringfield at the CR, a second chopper landed with four men wearing white pants and long white coats, to which KA tried to photograph them but he was told “don’t take a picture of me, just take what you were told to take.” KA states he saw a silver aluminum colored metallic box on the ground 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet high with numbers printed on it, there were words too that were indistinguishable; he tried to photograph the box but was told by the ground crew to “get the hell away from that.” The ground crew wore green fatigues with no insignia or rank identity.
KA states later he was told by a stranger in a neighborhood drugstore that he should not talk about his part in the neighborhood drug store and he was called and warned of consequences following a phone call he made in January 1982.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 23 July 1954 — U.S. Navy issues a new directive that orders the reporting of UAP sightings (FLYOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATIC, commanding officer of Eastern ADC, director of Naval Intelligence, commanding officer of the Eastern Sea Frontier, and the commandant of the Potomac River Naval Command. The directive is intended to stop leaks from Navy and Marine personnel and cites JANAP 146, AFR 200-2, OPNAV 3820 and Directive 3820.2.
- (p188-189, p309-311)
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 14 October 1954 — Marine Corps naval aviator states he is told the USAF 4602nd AISS has a “crashed object” program. Material has allegedly already been recovered. This was never reported to Congress or the American public, as the Air Force relied on statements that no physical evidence had ever been recovered as a reason to debunk UAP.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 28 December 1954 — The NSC 5412/2 Special Group, secret subcommittee of the National Security Council is formed and responsible for coordinating government covert operations. It later becomes the 303 Committee in 1964 and the 40 Committee in 1970 and proposals go to Richard Helms at the CIA. Members include Nelson Rockefeller, Robert McNamara, McGeorge Bundy, Gordon Gray and Allan Dulles, and topics often include science and technology, and the intersection between corporate, contractor and USG interests.
Note: It is unknown if the 5412/2 Special Group, 303 Committee or 40 Committee dealt directly with any aspects of the UAP issue, but it was long involved in high-altitude reconnaissance flights.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1955 — The Air Force issues a statement saying it has a “research and development contract” with the Avro Company of Canada. This is later confirmed to have been Project Silverbug, a variant of the Avrocar, a failed attempt at a flying saucer that was underpowered and unstable when it was tested by Canadian company Avro.
John Frost and Avro Special Projects Group, though, worked on a Project Y, Project 1794 and Project PV 704 that were said to explore development of flying disc technology that could travel Mach 3 and Mach 4 at 100,000 feet, far faster than other fighters at the time.
Note: John Frost’s son states he uncovered a file in the Canadian National Archives that shows Frost traveled to West Germany in 1953 and met with a German aviation engineer who claimed to have worked on disc-shaped aircraft. The German said the project was underway near Prague
in 1944-45 and the saucer was flight tested, but destroyed in the final few weeks of the war.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1955 — Physicist Louis Witten states he was recruited by George S. Trimble, VP for Aviation and Advanced Propulsion Systems at the Glenn L. Martin Company, into the Research Institute for Advanced Studies (RIAS). Witten states Trimble recruited him to develop anti-gravity, and in 2013, stated anti-gravity was “discovered” in this project. Witten suggests several ideas were tested including using an isotope of bismuth, but does not give details. The Glenn L. Martin Company evolved into Martin-Marietta and merged with Lockheed in 1995.
Witten states while at RIAS he got a contract from Areas A and C at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to work on anti-gravity for aerospace applications. No record of this contract exists but Witten did publish several theoretical articles concerning general relativity while at RIAS, whose legacy program Lockheed eventually acquired. Witten joined the University of Cincinnati after RIAS and was a professor of physics 1968-1991.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1955 — An environmental systems VP in Van Nuys claims as early as 1955 he worked in a UAP group at Douglas Aircraft in Santa Monica; he claims he worked there with “Wheaten” (now at Lockheed, in the submarine division), Ted Gordon, “Klemperer” and Dave Crook. The VP states they were asked by Douglas management to assess cases from Project Blue Book including films and photos that led them to conclude UAP used “multi-dimensional physics.” The group was asked to forget this conclusion. He claims the Douglas group found a site in the “Owen Valley” where thousands of UAP went in and out of solid ground.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1955 — “Mrs. G” working in the Foreign Materials Division at WPAFB in the 1940s and 1950s developed cancer and before her death claimed in 1955 she was assigned to catalog all incoming UAP material, approximately 1,000 items, including items from the interior of a recovered UAP brought to the base; all items were photographed and tagged. Mrs. G. Also witnessed the transfer of two dead humanoids, 4-5 feet tall, larger heads and slanted eyes.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1 March 1955 — Documents provided by former Douglas Aircraft engineer William Tompkins suggest Douglas was studying “unconventional” propulsion systems based in part on collection of UAP materials in the open source. Tompkins claims that he worked in a secret Douglas think tank called Advanced Design, tasked with helping the US Navy develop a secret space fleet using antigravity technology.
Tompkins claims he was helped by “Nordic” UAP occupants, while the USAF and RAND Corporation were working together with “Reptilian” UAP occupants to create a competing secret space
fleet. Tompkins also claims before the end of WWII, Nazi Germany had aligned itself with “Reptilian” UAP occupants and a secret Navy project out of Naval Air Station San Diego attempted to learn about secret Nazi antigravity programs. Tompkins provides no evidence for these claims, but does provide evidence he worked at Douglas and Naval Air Station San Diego.
Note: Tompkins claims former Navy Secretary James Forrestal was aware of the Navy espionage program on Nazi antigravity programs, which he alleges led him to establish the Office of Research and Inventions in May 1945.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1 March 1955 — Former Douglas engineer William Tompkins also suggests around this time he became aware of a deep underground military base below Offutt AFB that has to do with a secret space program and also a large cave in the Wasatch Mountains, Utah, where large advanced aerospace craft are constructed.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 5 May 1955 — USAF ATIC and contractor Battelle Memorial Institute publish “Special Report No. 14,” a comprehensive analysis of 3,200 UAP sightings. The report concludes that UAP are not aerial craft beyond human scientific knowledge because no “physical matter” had ever been recovered in any UAP sighting. This contradicts two declassified metallurgical analyses on shape memory alloys Battelle itself performed for Wright-Patterson AFB six years earlier, which weren’t declassified until 2010.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 15 October 1955 — Sen. Richard Russell sees two circular flying discs while traveling by train in the Soviet Union. The CIA classified this Top Secret and did not share the case with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Condon Committee, and it was withheld from Congressional committees in 1960 and 1966 and withheld from the public until it was declassified in 2019.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 20 November 1955 — New York Herald Tribune journalist Ansel E. Talbert
writes about an “incredible program” to solve the “secret of gravity” at top U.S. scientific laboratories and research centers. Anti-gravity is reportedly being studied at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, the University of Indiana’s School of Advanced Mathematical Studies, the Purdue University Research Foundation, MIT, the Roger Babson Gravity Research Institute of New Boston, NH, and the Institute of Pure Physics (IPP) at the University of North Carolina.
Former UNC President Gordon Gray approved funding for IPP; Gray was formerly Secretary of the Army, Assistant Secretary of Defense and special assistant to the President of the United States (Truman, Eisenhower). Scientists in the project tell Talbert they expect to discover anti-gravity within years to a quarter of a century at most; corporate IPP partners include Glenn L. Martin Co., Convair, Bell Aircraft, the Sikorsky Division of United Aircraft, Lear Inc., Clarke Electronics, the Sperry Gyroscope Division of Sperry-Rand Corp., and General Dynamics Corp.
Among the IPP participants mentioned are: Bryce S. Dewitt of the Radiation Laboratories at University of California at Berkeley, Burkhard Heim of Goettingen University, Pascual Jordan of Hamburg University, Vaclav Hlavaty of the University of Indiana, and Stanley Deser and Richard Arnowitt of the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study.
Note: The article also mentions George S. Trimble’s RIAS (see 1955), and states it is financed by Glenn L. Martin Co. but isolated from the company’s aircraft building business and managed by Welcome Bender. It is suggested RIAS partnered with IPP.
Note: Gordon Gray’s presence in IPP anti-gravity studies is noteworthy. Gray was the director of the Psychological Strategy Board, a committee formed by the Truman Administration to coordinate and plan psychological operations. The Board included representatives from DOD and DCI.
Gray’s name also appears on disputed “TS/MAJIC EYES ONLY” documentation, specifically an alleged briefing document of a Majestic-12 Group, a R&D intelligence operation allegedly established by Pres. Truman in 1947. Gray is listed as one of twelve members with access to the information, allegedly pertaining to UAP crash recoveries, study and analysis of the intent of UAP occupants.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1956 — Testimony of USAF Gen. Bernard Schriever states when he was with the Development Planning Office, he worked very closely with the Technical Intelligence Office at Wright Field (which became the Foreign Technology Division). Schriever states Project West Wing was
set up on the “West Coast” funded through the technical intelligence operation out of Wright Field, staffed with people from Ramo-Wooldridge. West Wing analyzed foreign intelligence from the Soviet Union and foreign technology from the Soviet Union.
Note: FTD swept up UAP information in its Project Moon Dust, and personnel from Ramo-Wooldridge later joined TRW and after that Aerospace Corp. Aerospace spun out of
TRW’s Space Technologies Laboratories in 1960 and took West Wing with it. TRW also has alleged linkages to UAP crash recoveries (see Richard Dolan’s claims), while Aerospace Corp has linkages as well (see Ross Coulthart’s claims).
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 24 January 1956 — Wright-Patterson AFB monitored a reported “landing” of a flying saucer in the Kataghan province of Afghanistan. USAF attempted an overflight for aerial view, search and confirmation of info, and to determine if Afghanistan authorities were hauling the recovered craft to Kabul. Neither USAF ATIC nor Battelle amended their conclusion that a lack of physical evidence meant UAP were not advanced craft, and CIA OSI did not update their conclusions. Subsequent Congressional inquiries in the 1960s relied on conclusions that were out of date and continued to not include physical debris.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - February 1956 — USAF Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt writes that while he was assigned to the Air Technical Intelligence Center as director of Project Grudge at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1951, he saw a Top Secret Estimate of the Situation that stated UAP were “interplanetary” in origin created by the predecessor Project Sign in 1948. Ruppelt states the Estimate was rejected in 1948 by Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg and ordered for destruction. Ruppelt states a few copies survived and circulated within ATIC, but no declassified copies have ever been released to Congress or the public.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 25 February 1956 — The Special Weapons Study Unit of Aviation Studies International, Ltd. delivers an examination of electrogravitics systems (the link between electromagnetism and gravity to produce antigravity) to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The report refers to a Project Winterhaven that suggested a “saucer” could create a local gravitational field and serve as a USAF interceptor with Mach 3 capability. It was declassified in 1995. Winterhaven was allegedly based on the designs of Thomas Townsend Brown.
It states Glenn Martin Co. (see 20 November 1955) could be achieved in six years but it would need a “Manhattan Project” environment to achieve it; Clarke Electronics, General Electric, Bell Labs, Convair, Lear Inc., Sperry-Rand, Curtiss-Wright, Lockheed, Boeing and North American are all mentioned as working on antigravity “rigs.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - April 1956 — USMC Maj. Darrell L. Ritter, ONR Capt. Sidney Sherby and ONR Projects Officer Cmdr. George W. Hoover receive an annotated copy of Morris K. Jessup’s The
Case for the UFO (1955), with annotations from three different persons who claim to know about UFO intelligences, deep space origin, underwater bases, force fields, and more. Sherby and Hoover reprint the annotated version with government contractor Varo Manufacturing and prints 25 copies.
ONR’s link to Jessup is curious because in this same year, Jessup claims to have been receiving letters from someone known as “Carlos Miguel Allende,” who claims that an 1943 experiment in the Philadelphia Navy Yard rendered a destroyer (the USS Eldridge or USS Engstrom) invisible and personnel on board showed side effects. The project is soon allegedly linked to the work of Thomas Townsend Brown, who earlier that year proposed a Project Winterhaven to the US military to use electrogravitics for aerospace purposes.
The “Philadelphia experiment,” as it becomes known, allegedly utilized electrogravitics for naval stealth purposes. It is unknown what the extent of the experiment produced, whether it was successful, and if cloaking was achieved.
Note: The timing of the Philadelphia experiment rumor coming out four years after Brown’s proposal of Project Winterhaven and months after Wright-Patterson’s examination of Winterhaven is curious.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - April 1956 — Author Morris K. Jessup states he received two strange letters from an alleged Carlos Miguel Allende who claims the USS Eldridge or the USS Engstrom were subject to an experiment at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Allende claims he witnessed it, and the ship and its crew became invisible temporarily, before experiencing side effects. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelphia Experiment” was a hoax, but then states the CIA “coerced” him into saying it was a hoax.
Allende was later identified as Carl Allen, who also admits to writing the annotations in the Jessup/Varo book that ONR chose to copy (see April 1956). Ufologists later link the alleged experiment back to T. Townsend Brown, the founder of NICAP, but it is an unproven claim.
Note: The timing of the Philadelphia experiment rumor coming out four years after Brown’s proposal of Project Winterhaven and months after Wright-Patterson’s examination of Winterhaven is curious.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - April 1956 — Author Morris K. Jessup states he received two strange letters from an alleged Carlos Miguel Allende who claims the USS Eldridge or the USS Engstrom were subject to an experiment at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Allende claims he witnessed it, and the ship and its crew became invisible temporarily, before experiencing side effects. Allende later tells APRO the “Philadelphia Experiment” was a hoax, but then states the CIA “coerced” him into saying it was a hoax.
Allende was later identified as Carl Allen, who also admits to writing the annotations in the Jessup/Varo book that ONR chose to copy (see April 1956). Ufologists later link the alleged experiment back to T. Townsend Brown, the founder of NICAP, but it is an unproven claim.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1 May 1956 — Former USAFHQ spokesman Maj. William T. Coleman claims Air Force Manual section 190-4 was in effect as of this date and after, affecting all USAF press releases, statements to Congress and the public, and publications about UFOs. Coleman later tells NICAP that AFM 190-4 requires the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information to delete all evidence of UFO intelligence control, which contradicts the official stance at the time that true UFOs didn’t exist. He
admits that Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book was reviewed under the regulation, something the Air Force previously denied. Coleman states even if Tacker wished to provide UAP evidence, it would have been prohibited.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 5 July 1956 — Rep. John Moss, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Government Information, complains that the USAF “Blue Book Special Report No. 14” on UAP is not available to the public despite it being unclassified. Moss asks the USAF why it hasn’t produced more copies, to which it replies “the full report…is not available for widespread distribution because of prohibitive costs.”
Note: Given Blue Book scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later said (see 1979) the USAF and CIA wanted to cool down public reaction, the Air Force’s reluctance to distribute its largest study to date fits with that strategy. See 5 May 1955 entry for information on how the report also withheld key information on physical evidence; metallurgical studies performed by USAF contractor Battelle.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 5 July 1956 — Alleged unnamed U.S. Navy pilots at Naval Air Station Los Alamitos tell news reporters they have orders to shoot down hostile UAP. Pilots claim this order is standard for flights over the Pacific. This information does not seem to have been shared with Congress over the next decade of hearings or briefings, and contradicts the official Air Force stance at the time that no physical evidence of UAP existed or was sought after.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - September 1956 — Alleged unconfirmed reports of a domed disc-shaped craft landing at White Sands Proving Ground, NM. Witnesses include dozens of base personnel and watch the object land before shortly taking off. Personnel are allegedly assembled at Holloman AFB and told not to speak to anyone about the event.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - Late 1956 — The General Physics Laboratory of the Aeronautical Research Laboratories/Aerospace Research Laboratories (ARL) at Wright-Patterson AFB hires physicist Joshua N. Goldberg to administer multiple contracts related to relativistic theories of gravitation. Goldberg works here until 1963, before joining the University of Cincinnati for a year and moving on to other universities. Curiously, fellow anti-gravity researcher Louis Witten joined the University of Cincinnati after his contracted work for Wright-Patterson ended in 1968 (see 1955).
Goldberg states in his CV he worked for the Armour Research Foundation in Chicago, IL for four years before being recruited to ARL, working on applied research for industry and government. It is
unclear if Goldberg or ARL worked on UAP-related research but the many possible linkages in the PUBLIC DOMAIN are interesting. Hubert Goenner of Goettingen, a former participant of RIAS (see 1955), writes ARL may have also studied Soviet efforts in anti-gravity.
Note: It is thought the ARL anti-gravity studies ended in 1970 with the passage of the Mansfield Amendments, which limit military funding of research that lack a specific military function.
Some of the research looks to have been moved to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (see June 1972).
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - May 1957 — U.S. civilian organization NICAP is told a fake UAP crash story in Everglades, FL. The source is an Associated Press employee and “former Signal Corps engineer” with ties to the NSA, who admits to faking the story but provides no motive.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 24 September 1957 — Dir. of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewis advised the multi-agency “Watch Committee” responsible for monitoring Soviet I&W that a UAP monitored on radar between New York and Illinois traveling Mach 3 (twice that of the world airspeed record in 1957) was a weather phenomenon. Lewis delivered his conclusion one day after the event despite admitting an investigation was incomplete, and despite White House interest in the matter.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 7 November 1957 — Guards at the Atomic Energy Commission’s Pantex Plant in Amarillo, TX report three flashing objects 50 feet above the ground before landing on Farin Road 2373. Guards attempted to approach but the “things would slip away from them when they got near,” and they were “all shook up.” Neither AEC nor the DOE have ever declassified any information related to this event.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1958 — An anonymous “military source” tells Linda Moulton Howe that a UAP was purposefully landed in the southwest corner of Hill AFB and the door was left open for USAF personnel to take custody of.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1958 — Before the creation of NASA and the start of the Mercury program, the Air Force sponsors a project named “Man-In-Space-Soonest” (MISS). MISS contracts Lockheed to build a spacecraft for a single astronaut, but it is canceled when manned spaceflight is turned over to NASA at the orders of President Eisenhower. Interestingly, USAF still contracts Lockheed to build the
MISS craft and the USAF hires Itek Corp. to build a high-powered camera system for the craft.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1958 — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begins supporting anti-gravity research as part of its Science for Peace and Security (SPS) grant mechanisms that continue to this day.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1958 — The US Air Force commissions a special studies group within Air Force Intelligence headed by Stefan Possony to analyze a book written by Nazi Maj. Rudolf Lusar, commanding officer of German Army technical unit in WWII. Lusar claims Nazi scientists were working on jet engines and thermal imaging a decade before the West. Lusar also claims German scientists were working on direct energy weapons and sound weapons, and also “flying saucers.”
Lusar claims Germany began developing saucer technology in 1941 with scientists Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe and Italian engineer Bellonzo/Belluzzo. Lusar claims German saucer technology were developed in Breslau, Poland and Prague, Czechoslovakia and once achieved an altitude of 12,400m and a speed of 2000 km/hr.
- (page 50)
Note: Author Nick Cook evaluated the claims in Lusar’s book and finds mixed corroboration, particularly the existence of Schriever and Belluzzo. Schreiver worked for Heinkel Aircraft Company, the developer of the world’s first jet-powered fighter, the He 280; Belluzo was an industry minster in Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini’s cabinet and once wrote of
disc-shaped “flying bomb” technology passed on to Germany.Schriever also made comments to West German media in 1950 that a flying machine he worked on at a Heinkel facility at Marienehe would have changed the course of the war.
Lusar claimed Miethe was taken to Wright-Patterson AFB in the US, while Habermohl was allegedly captured by USSR and moved to a Soviet design bureau east of Moscow, but Cook found no corroboration of this.
Note: Cook did however find the existence of a US Army Air Forces files on the German Air Force’s secret weapons program at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, and another copy at the Office of Air Force History at Bolling Air Force Base.
US Office of Technical Services (OTS) was given responsibility of hauling German documentation out of the country post WWII, and one responsive document was found, a memo from Lt. Col. A.R. Sullivan Jr., which stated “balls of fire” and foo fighters (early terms for
UAP) had no connection with information found by OTS in Germany, in documents, interrogations or facility visits.Raw OTS reports discovered by Cook, though, show a facility in Brunswick was working on radio-controlled craft and discovered by US officials; another facility in Vienna experimented with direct energy weapons; another in Stuttgart used EM to interfere with vehicle motors.
Cook suggests Sullivan’s report may have been falsified to cover-up to shut down further investigation of technology linked to foo fighter/UAP development.
Note: Italian author Renato Vesco, citing Italian sources after WWII, claims saucer technology was developed differently than Lusar claims. Vesco states a craft called the “Feuerball” developed in Oberammergau in Bavaria (OBF) could interfere with Allied craft with intense EM fields. The Kugelblitz was allegedly larger and built in an underground weapons complex in Thuringia aka the Harz. The crafts were shaped like the shell of a tortoise and radio-controlled.
Vesco claims he obtained this information from British Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (BIOS) and US-UK administered Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS); others who have access to BIOS/CIOS say no evidence of the Kugelblitz or Feuerball exist in the records.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1958 — Alleged USAF Project Orion used drugs and hypnosis in participants, one of which, John Lilly, came to believe he was in psychic contact with extraterrestrials of the “Earth Coincidence Control Office.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 28 February 1958 — USAF Director of Information Services Maj. Gen. Arno Luehman writes he had informal discussions with the Senate Committee on Investigating Government Operations that “there is no need” for hearings on the UAP subject. The USAF writes that it is attempting to guide the Subcommittee to issue a statement certifying the Air Force is properly conducting its UAP investigation and not withholding information from the public. These conclusions are reached as a result of informal meetings and zero investigation is performed.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 20 June 1958 — The Air Force briefs Reps. Henderson, Cramer, Magnuson, Walker and their staffs to assist them in dealing with constituent inquiries related to UAP. Briefing notes show the management of “unfavorable public hysteria” was discussed. All parties agree “it would be unwise to give the subject undue publicity, in an open or closed formal Congressional hearing.”
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 13 August 1958 — The Air Force briefs the Subcommittee on Atmospheric Phenomena and House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration. USAF tells Congressmen the greatest threat facing the USG with respect to UAP was civilian organizations “and spectacular news reporting.” The briefing concludes with Rep. Sheldon stating the House Select Committee would take no further interest in UAP.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 30 October 1958 — USAF Col. William G. Workman writes to AFOSI about a UFO crash near Hunter AFB in Georgia. He denotes Soviet satellites and UFOs as separate debris categories, and states that the letter is classified to “protect official Air Force interest in the recovery of UFOs from unauthorized disclosure.”
Note: This is three years after USAF ATIC informs Congress and the American public that UAP are not advanced craft due to no debris recovery.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - October 1958 — USN veteran Chester C. Grusinski states during his service on the USS Franklin D Roosevelt, while near Cuba, witnessed a cigar-shaped object orange in color on the deck. Gruskinski states he could see silhouettes through windows in the object, “you could tell they weren’t human.” The object turned red and it “vanished.” After the incident, Grusinski states crew members who discussed the UAP event were transferred. Grusinksi stated later that other USS Roosevelt veterans met at a reunion recalled 8-10 separate UAP events connected with the carrier, which was the first to carry nuclear weapons and the only to carry the hydrogen bomb. Grusinksi says deck logs from 1958-59 were redacted.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 21 December 1958 — A group of 50 commercial airline pilots who have seen UAP tell a reporter the Air Force policy of denial is like “Big Brother.” They say the gag order of talking about sightings by penalty of 10 years in prison or $10,000 fine (JANAP 146) is “nuts.” This policy effectively stopped airline pilots from discussing the UAP air safety issue for decades and lulled Congress, the American public and the airline industry into a false sense of security.
(PUBLIC DOMAIN) - 1959 — French scientist “Mr. L” claims to have been requested by the American government to work at WPAFB; he was a former colleague of Lwoff, Monod and Jacob, Nobel Prize winners in 1965 and a Professor at College de France; he claims in 1959 for three months he studied the cellular structure of two tall, twin humanoids stored at WPAFB who were over 7 feet tall, deceased and bore mutations as if they were victims of an accident.
Their heads were intact, they had high brows, long blond hair, and eyes that looked Asiatic, with small noses, small mouths and think lips, with no facial hair; the skin did not have keratin granules and their lymphatic system had taken the place of their circulatory system; eyes were light blue and did not look different from humans and their hands were slender and human like, while their feet were flat; he was sworn to secrecy for ten years and claims the corpses were at WPAFB FTD/TDETR as of 1959.
Note: FTD (TDETR) is in correspondence between Maj. Hector Quintanilla and J. Allen Hynek; it appears to be a code for Project Blue Book.