Natural Law Seminar - Mark Passio
Focuses on the themes of human freedom and Universal Laws that influence behavior. The documentary questions the true nature of freedom and how our understanding of these laws impacts our collective existence. The seminar, held on October 19, 2013, aims to deepen participants’ comprehension of these Universal forces and their effects on daily life, emphasizing the connection between knowledge of Natural Law and personal empowerment.
Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion
The primary threat to freedom and justice is not greed, or hatred, or any of the other emotions or human flaws usually blamed for such things. Instead, it is one ubiquitous superstition which infects the minds of people of all races, religions and nationalities, which deceives decent, well-intentioned people into supporting and advocating violence and oppression. Even without making human beings one bit more wise or virtuous, removing that one superstition would remove the vast majority of injustice and suffering from the world.
Two Masks, Same Face: The Dark Occult Origins Of Nazism & Communism - Mark Passio
In this epic, all-day presentation, Mark Passio of What On Earth Is Happening exposes the origins of the two most devastating totalitarian ideologies of all time. Mark explains how both Nazism and Communism are but two masks on the same face of Dark Occultism, analyzing their similarities in both mindset and authoritarian methods of control. Mark also delves into the ways in which these insidious occult religions are still present, active and highly dangerous to freedom in the world today. This critical occult information is an indispensable component to any serious student of both world history and esoteric knowledge. Your world-view will be changed by this most recent addition to the Magnum Opus of Mark Passio.
Government Is Slavery - Mark Passio
Mark Passio originally delivered this presentation at The Great Create event in Perry, GA on May 12, 2023. In this talk, Mark lays out the underlying reasons Government is an immoral institution based upon coercion and violence, thus constituting it as a form of human Slavery. Mark goes on to explain that the only truly just and moral ideological position to align oneself with is that of Abolitionism. The world-view of anyone who watches this presentation is certain to be challenged, and possibly changed forever.
De Facto Satanism - Mark Passio
In this presentation, which was originally delivered at the Freedom Under Natural Law 2 virtual conference, Mark Passio lays out what it really means to be a Satanist in one’s deeds in his usual hard-hitting truth-telling style. Mark reviews the general tenets of the nefarious Satanic religion, then goes on to explain how Satanists can only control the masses of people by giving them a lower-level variation of their very own mind-set and ideologies. Mark describes the characteristics of the Satanic Mindset, a way of thinking in which most people have engaged, and even espoused in the modern day. Finally, Mark reveals the type of internal work that will be required for people to escape Satanic thought and action and reclaim power over their minds and lives.
The Collapse of The American Dream Explained in Animation
A cartoon that effectively illustrates the relationship between the privately owned Federal Reserve, the U.S. government, and taxpayers, revealing how the public has been misled by this non-governmental system. It references Rep. Louis Thomas McFadden’s 1934 statement about the Federal Reserve as a private credit monopoly that exploits the American people for the benefit of wealthy speculators. The film prompts viewers to understand the creation of money, the workings of banking, and the reasons behind housing market fluctuations, while questioning the identities of the stockholders in major banks. It highlights ongoing issues within the financial system and encourages viewers to challenge entrenched private institutions, advocating for change to combat economic enslavement.
Admiralty Law: Words Control Humans & The Law of Money
Jordan Maxwell examines the intricate relationship between legal and financial systems from an esoteric viewpoint. He discusses Admiralty Law, which pertains to maritime and commercial law, and its impact on modern legal frameworks. Maxwell highlights how language and terminology are employed to control individuals within these contexts, affecting personal freedom and economic interactions. He also explores the “Law of Money,” analyzing how financial regulations and monetary policies influence human behavior and societal structures.
13 Illuminati Bloodlines - Fritz Springmeier
A devastating expose of the people and families who are the movers and shakers of the United States and the entire world. You will recognize some of the names instantly. Many names have been purposely hidden from mainstream view. 13 Top Illuminati Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, and Onassis. Volume 2 has the remaining five of the 13 Top Illuminati Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Merovingian. Volume 3 has four other prominent Illuminati Disney, Reynolds, McDonald, and Krupps.
These 100 Secret Societies Prove Who Really Rules America
This documentary explores the influence of 100 secret societies that allegedly reveal who truly rules America. It suggests that the “elite” maintain exclusive societies on college campuses to induct select individuals into positions of power, creating an American caste system. The film argues that these secret societies enable the powerful to funnel their offspring into influential roles, providing them with high-level connections and shedding light on the peculiar occult interests of the oligarchy.
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL “Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings”
Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was a Special Agent in Charge of the FBI and head of the Los Angeles FBI office. He was also an author and conspiracy theorist, known for his involvement in high-profile cases such as the death of Marilyn Monroe and the assassination of John F. Kennedy. In his later years, he focused on various topics, particularly researching satanic ritual abuse.
The talk examines the history of military and government psychological operations (PSYOPS) involving mind control, UFOs, magic, and remote-control zombies, and how these elements relate to the future of AI and generative media. As AI-generated content, social media influence operations, micro-targeted advertising, and pervasive surveillance become commonplace, we have entered an era of “PSYOP Capitalism,” where perception manipulation transforms individuals into “targeted individuals.” The talk delves into a secret history of military and intelligence programs that have shaped our current reality, culminating in an interactive narrative based on a CIA cognitive warfare program from the early Cold War.
5th Generation Warfare: History, Modern Context, and (Some) Solutions
The video, which took 450 man-hours and involved 107 books and 3 copyright strikes to produce, serves as a reference on 5th Generation Warfare (5GW) for future content. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of warfare evolution, from First to Fourth Generation Warfare, before delving into 5GW. The video discusses various theories and characteristics of 5GW, including mass cyberattacks, social engineering, the role of non-state actors, and the inadequacy of nation-states’ tools. It also addresses the challenges in defining 5GW and the impact of artificial intelligence. The latter part of the video offers solutions, emphasizing the importance of community, communication, and proactive measures to mitigate the effects of 5GW. The structure includes an introduction, detailed segments on each generation of warfare, and concludes with final thoughts and recommendations.
What is Predictive Programming? Hollywood Brainwashing & Foreknowledge
Predictive programming refers to the practice by governments and authorities of using films and books to foster public acceptance of planned future events. A common conspiracy theory suggests that this technique is employed to manipulate citizens into anticipating and accepting future actions, such as significant social changes or events. While it can aim to prepare the public for major shifts, its primary function is often mental preparation through media that features futuristic devices, influencing audience perceptions.
September Clues: The Central Role of the News Media on 9/11
“September Clues,” created by Simon Shack, is a documentary that presents a controversial analysis of the events surrounding the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The film argues that the mainstream media’s portrayal of the attacks was manipulated through the use of video footage and digital effects, suggesting that many of the images broadcasted were staged or altered. Shack examines various aspects of the media coverage, including the behavior of witnesses, the timing of broadcasts, and inconsistencies in the footage. The documentary posits that this manipulation was part of a larger agenda to control public perception and justify subsequent government actions.
How the Manhattan Project put Fluoride in your Water Supply
During World War II, farmers downwind of a factory in New Jersey began noticing that their crops were dying and their cattle were falling ill. It turns out this factory was secretly producing fluoride for the Manhattan Project’s atomic weapons program. The incident set off a major government research effort - and a potential coverup - to convince the public that fluoride was safe to consume and even good for dental health. This video tells the story of how it all went down and explores the complicated history of prominent anti-fluoride research.
Ultraterrestrial Conspiracy Theories
This video explores ultraterrestrial conspiracy theories, which propose that advanced beings from other dimensions or realms exist alongside us, influencing human history and culture. It examines key cases, unexplained phenomena, and historical accounts linked to these entities.
The Dark Side of Blue Light: A Neurosurgeon’s Warning on Mind Control and Health Risks
Dr. Jack Cruz, a neurosurgeon, discusses the potential connection between blue-light screens and mind control experiments, suggesting that companies may deliberately use blue light to influence behavior. He draws historical parallels with the CIA’s MK Ultra project and Nazi mind control experiments, and critiques the promotion of blue light from LED bulbs, advocating for the use of incandescent bulbs emitting red and infrared light instead. Cruz emphasizes the importance of infrared light for brain health, particularly in surgical settings, and suggests that addressing technology addiction could help resolve issues related to declining testosterone levels, highlighting the negative impact of blue light on hormone levels.
Secret History
Carl Munck’s The Code
A work that explores the idea of a mathematical and geometric code underlying ancient monuments and structures around the world. Munck proposes that these sites, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza and Stonehenge, are not only architectural achievements but also encoded with a universal language of numbers and geometry that reflects a deeper understanding of the cosmos. He suggests that this code can reveal insights into the knowledge and intentions of ancient civilizations, including their astronomical and mathematical knowledge. Munck’s theories challenge conventional historical narratives and encourage a reevaluation of how we understand ancient cultures and their achievements. The work has garnered both interest and skepticism, contributing to discussions about ancient mysteries and the potential connections between different civilizations.
Pre-Egyptian Technology Left By an Advanced Civilization That Disappeared
The idea of an advanced pre-Egyptian civilization, predating the documented dynastic periods of ancient Egypt, is supported by the technological sophistication of sites like the Osireion, Zawyet el Aryan, and the Serapeum of Saqqara. This lost civilization is believed to have possessed a deep understanding of astronomy, engineering, and mathematics, as evidenced by the alignment of the Giza pyramids with Orion’s Belt, indicating advanced astronomical knowledge. The precision in the construction of these pyramids suggests the use of advanced architectural techniques, and discussions also point to the potential use of sophisticated tools and methods for cutting and transporting massive stone blocks, which would exceed the technological capabilities typically attributed to the ancient Egyptians of the dynastic periods.
HUE-MAN: “Those Who Mastered Angles of Light”
The video delves into the origins and deeper meanings of the term “human,” suggesting that while it is commonly linked to the Latin word for soil, “Hue Man” may refer to the color vibration that individuals emit. It emphasizes that humans are defined by their minds and spirits rather than their physical forms, portraying them as electromagnetic beings connected to both the material and ethereal realms. The mind acts as a frequency tuner, shaping perception and experience, while the ether serves as a bridge between these realms, allowing thoughts and intentions to influence reality.
The Electric and Magnetic Fluids in the Hermetic Sciences
The video explores the concepts of Magnetic and Electric Fluids, also known as Apana and Prana, or Yin and Yang. It features individuals with super-normal abilities demonstrating how they harness these fluids. The creator provides descriptions of each clip, explaining how the featured individuals utilize their powers through the Magnetic and Electric Fluids.
The First Five Pages: Episode 1 (The Golden Book Of Wisdom)
Focuses on the original 78 Tarot Cards that collectively form the “Golden Book of Wisdom.” It specifically addresses the 4th Tarot Card from the book “Frabato,” which is incorrectly labeled as “The Golden Book of Wisdom” due to a mistranslation. The video aims to clarify the true meaning and significance of Thoth’s “Golden Book of Wisdom,” providing insights into its content and relevance in Tarot studies.
The First Five Pages (The Golden Book Of Wisdom): Atlantean Technology
Explores the technological advancements of Atlantis and other antediluvian civilizations. The episode delves into how these ancient technologies functioned, examining their principles and applications, and providing insights into the knowledge and capabilities of these lost societies.
The First Five Pages (The Golden Book Of Wisdom): Magical Powers (The Magnetic Fluid)
To acquire magical powers, one must learn to gather and store specific energies known as Electric and Magnetic Fluids. These energies enable individuals to practice magic and influence reality. The discussion encompasses various branches of the Hermetic Arts, including sorcery, astrology, Kabbalah, healing, both light and dark magic, remote viewing, astral projection, theurgy, invocations, evocations, and the manipulation of time.
Vegan Strongman Eats ONE MEAL A DAY
This video discusses various strategies for combating aging and promoting longevity, including calorie restriction, cyclic fasting, and a nutrient-dense diet rich in foods like nuts, seeds, and herbal teas. The importance of managing sugar intake, reducing glycation, and promoting autophagy are also emphasized. Additionally, the video highlights the benefits of intermittent fasting, supplementing with vitamins and minerals, and reducing exposure to toxins to support overall health and well-being. The speaker emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to health, including diet, exercise, and mental well-being, and promotes a lifestyle that includes self-discipline, stress management, and a balanced diet to achieve optimal health and longevity.