VonuLife Resurrected (2025) [Submissions Requested!]

Back in March 1973, Rayo and many of the most hardcore self-liberators of the time (and likely even today) published a massive 75,000+ word issue of VONULIFE, that is shockingly relevant and of immense value, even today.

And while that was a highlight, there was also an entire zine series of VONULIFE, which I recently digitized. As I finished up those last words of transcribing, it was with a heavy heart…until the idea hit me like a collapsing roof of a badly engineered underground shelter.

VONULIFE should most certainly be RESURRECTED, just as the overall freedom strategy of vonu has in the modern day and age. And if you know anything about VONULIFE, you know some of the GREATEST content came from contributors.

That’s where you come in – let’s dive into the plan.


VonuLife, March 1973 was the only issue released in that year. Similarly, I think we should aim for one book a year, the first being VonuLife 2025. That will give ample time to acquire and create content, and to have plenty to report on as far as developments (or setbacks) of our liberated lifestyles.


  • Section 1: Situations & Searches
    • Lifestyle reports from self-liberators: a report about your liberated lifestyle, things you’ve learned, your goals, what led you to vonuism/self-liberation, etc.
    • Reviews of books, equipment, organizations, tips & tricks, etc. Information that you feel is valuable to pass on, that’s not in article form.
  • Section 2: General Strategy
    • Back in VonuLife’s heyday, topics sought out included: van nomadism, pedestrian nomadism, wilderness vonu, international travel, family & children, intentional communities, new country projects, financial independence, health liberation, vonu in cities, and underground shelters & troglydysm,
    • We still want articles on ANY and ALL of those topics, but additional ones include: private communications, sovereign networking, vonuing in cities in the 2020s, alternative housing solutions (to combat cost), etc. If you’re curious about your topic in particular, just ask!


  • Any submissions must be made by July 1, 2025.
  • After a few months of editing & preparing, we will aim for a Fall 2025 release.


  • This IS NOT a general, “send us an article submission to fill space.” It has to be of the caliber that VONULIFE deserves and was founded upon: hardcore solutions/hardcore action, no political crusading & no collective-movementism; the principle of voluntaryism (that all interactions should be voluntary) must be maintained. I.e., don’t siphon (STEAL) gas to fund your van nomadism.
  • General proofreading/editing will be done on every article, maintaining each author’s individual “voice”, but as always, editorial designs have to be made.

EMAIL SUBMISSIONS, QUESTIONS, IDEAS TO: shane@libertyunderattack.com

Full post and video promo available at VonuPodcast.com/VL2025.